Burst! is a creative agency that offers clients with tools they need in order to create innovative designs that ill push their visions forward. They create strong, stimulating work for companies at various stages in their development. In 2004, Jeff Pinder set out to follow his entrepreneurial dream of starting his own agency. He had a background in design and animation, which is why he went into the industry of media and design. After deciding that, Burst! was created. Burst! is made of young professionals, which match the company’s passion and vision.
Their team consists of brand strategists, artists, designers, copy writers, marketers and project managers who work collaboratively to guide and oversee every phase of a brand’s development and the design work that follows it. Burst! helps clients with all aspects needed for their company brand such as logo and icon development, tagline generation, name generation, product and package design, re-branding or brand revitalization, Stationary and communication packages, Web design, Website programming, copywriting, Print communications, Annual reports, Brochures, Posters and campaign, publication design and social media. Burst’s team is passionate about what they create and design.
Their team consists of brand strategists, artists, designers, copy writers, marketers and project managers who work collaboratively to guide and oversee every phase of a brand’s development and the design work that follows it. Burst! helps clients with all aspects needed for their company brand such as logo and icon development, tagline generation, name generation, product and package design, re-branding or brand revitalization, Stationary and communication packages, Web design, Website programming, copywriting, Print communications, Annual reports, Brochures, Posters and campaign, publication design and social media. Burst’s team is passionate about what they create and design.
The  range of clients is diverse, spanning from industries such as hospitality, legal, construction, land development, health and wellness, beauty and skincare, and the non-profit sector. At Burst! they specialize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which allows companies websites to appear on the first pages of Google when searching key words. This is helpful because most people don’t search past page 3 on search engines. They also are able to create custom websites using the Durpal 7 platform. For mobile apps, the team at Burst! knows how to create custom apps for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and iPad. rawgoodies-logo-burstraw_print_8rg_site_1

  1. Raw Goodies: For this, Burst! Created packaging for organic body care products like scented candles, scent diffusers, candles, and lotions. The logo is simple and clean and can be applied/ modified depending on which colour goes on. The product reflects the website and vice versa. The design of both is very consistent. WhiteSpot_HomeWhiteSpot_MenuWhitespot_mobile_1_0
  2.   White Spot: White spot needed to revamp their previous website, so Burst! Created a user friendly, modern website. The website includes an online ordering system, location and career sections and a customized menu. Also they created a mobile phone app with the similar features as the website. This website is straightforward and aesthetically pleasing. It offers customers with everything they need. Herschel_02Herschel_03_03. Herschel Look book: Herschel asked Burst! To create a look book to showcase their merchandise. I think that the look book is very modern and clean. It lays out their merchandise clearly and fits the feel and brand identity of Herschel. 

One in a series of great ideas

One in a series of great ideas

“Design is not just what it looks like or feels like. Design is how it works.” I chose to use this quote by Steve Jobs because I truly believe that is what Design is about. Design has a purpose, whether it is for solving problems or communicating ideas. I chose to use gears because they help make something work/ function just like design does. Gears are a part of a larger whole and keep whatever it is apart of working. Design plays a role in society and is continually changing the world. Gears all interlock with each other in order for them to work and cannot function alone. Design is like this because it draws from and inspirations to be created and doesn’t function by itself. The rotating of the gears is also continual just like design and represents a continuous cycle.

1950’s Ad

mac ad


For my posters I chose to advertise the MacBook Pro. Often in the 1950’s posters had hands coming out from the side of the poster and heads of people saying a catchy slogan. I created this poster in Photoshop and added a grain effect to make it look old.

Cassandre Inspired Poster


cassandre poster

For my art deco poster I decided to do it on Whistler. Whistler is known for its beautiful scenery and great mountains for skiing and snowboarding, so I chose to show a snowboarder flying through the air above the mountains. There are tons of trails for both skiers and snowboarders. My inspiration came from the poster that says Ski in the Canadian Rockies (above). In order to create the same looks of the art deco posters, I took an image of a snowboarder and vectorized it in illustrator, used similar colours to the original art deco posters and I kept it simple. Also for the type I chose to use a combination of two typefaces.

Wilson School of Design Ribbon Ceremony

wilson school

For the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Chip and Shannon Wilson school of design anyone would be able to attend. Chip, Shannon, the Dean and Vice Dean and someone from the B.C ministry would cut the ribbon. There would be a red carpet leading towards the ribbon cutting area surrounded with a balloon arch and spark machines on each side. For media all the major news crews would attend like CNN, CBC and City TV. Also The Beat 94.5 and JRfm would be broadcasting live at this event.  After the ceremony there would be a BBQ and a cake around the back with a live band, and as you enter to school there would be door prizes for students. Above the school it reads Wilson School of Design, which will be made by a plane.

Photo Collage

Blog Collage

People usually take pictures to capture moments, feelings, beautiful scenery, interesting compositions, in order to remember places, tell stories, for projects, in order to share them with others. Pictures are most often shared online on media cites such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest. People share photos to gain recognition, share achievements, self-esteem, belonging, and positive affirmation about how they live. Usually all my photographs are taken on my iPhone, just because whenever I see something I want to get a photo of, it’s the only device I have on me. I usually just take pictures of the environment around me, whenever something really catches my eye such as buildings, or natural things, food or to capture moments with my friends.  I always take the most pictures when traveling because the environment is so different and I want to remember the trip. What makes pictures interesting are interesting compositions and perspectives, Photoshop manipulation.