Photo Collage

Blog Collage

People usually take pictures to capture moments, feelings, beautiful scenery, interesting compositions, in order to remember places, tell stories, for projects, in order to share them with others. Pictures are most often shared online on media cites such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest. People share photos to gain recognition, share achievements, self-esteem, belonging, and positive affirmation about how they live. Usually all my photographs are taken on my iPhone, just because whenever I see something I want to get a photo of, it’s the only device I have on me. I usually just take pictures of the environment around me, whenever something really catches my eye such as buildings, or natural things, food or to capture moments with my friends.  I always take the most pictures when traveling because the environment is so different and I want to remember the trip. What makes pictures interesting are interesting compositions and perspectives, Photoshop manipulation.

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